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News > Latin America

Leftist Leader Again Tops Election Poll in Mexico

  • Lopez Obrador, a two-time presidential contender, former mayor of Mexico City and one of the country’s best-known opposition political actors.

    Lopez Obrador, a two-time presidential contender, former mayor of Mexico City and one of the country’s best-known opposition political actors. | Photo: lopezobrador.org.mx

Published 24 September 2016

The next presidential election in Mexico is still years away but polls indicate little support for the ruling party.

A new poll once again found that leftist leader and former Mexico City mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador had the most support ahead of presidential elections in 2018.

Peña Nieto's Approval Rating Plummets to 22%

The poll, conducted by GEA-ISA, also found that President Enrique Peña Nieto's approval rating remains dreadfully low at 26 percent with a disapproval rate of 69 percent. 

11 percent of respondents said that they would like to see Lopez Obrador as president, followed by Margarita Zavala, former first lady and a member of the right-wing National Action Party, at seven percent, and Ricardo Anaya, also at seven percent. Anaya is the current president of the National Action Party and has made his aspirations known.

Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong had six percent support and Mexico state Governor Eruviel Avila stood at five percent. Both are members of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, indicating that voters are unlikely to reelect the party in 2018.

Lopez Obrador, a two-time presidential candidate, was also the most recognizable politician, with 92 percent signaling they were familiar with him. However the poll also found that if an election were held today the candidate representing the National Action Party would win.

The former mayor ran for presidency twice for his the Democratic Revolution Party before breaking away from that leftist political institution to form his own party called National Regeneration Movement, or Morena.

It is widely speculated that Lopez Obrador won the 2006 election but was denied the victory as a result of electoral fraud.

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