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News > Mexico

Lopez Obrador Highlights Pemex's Oil Production Progress

  • Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador deliver a speech to supporters in Merida

    Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador deliver a speech to supporters in Merida | Photo: Reuters

Published 26 June 2019

Lopez Obrador said that Pemex is moving forward and stabilizing its oil production because corruption is no longer allowed

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has highlighted this Wednesday Pemex's crude production progress against some opinions contrary from those who called the experts.

During his morning press conference, Lopez Obrador also announced that he strongly rejected the use of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technology for oil extraction and had issued the order contrary to Pemex´s board of directors.

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The field which such a fracking technique was going to be used to, one of the 22 new ones to be exploited, has unconventional oil shale and gas resources, and Pemex is planning to invest about 20 million dollars, including oil well drilling.

At the conference, Pemex CEO Octavo Romero Oropeza detailed of contracts signed to complete the 22 oil fields already started, with the intention to boost crude output and turn this raw material into domestic gasoline and diesel for not to have to buy it abroad.

Lopez Obrador said that Pemex is moving forward and stabilizing its oil production because corruption is no longer allowed, being this crime the main problem of that state-run company. If you ask me about the government plan I would say it is to end corruption. That is the plan! Everything else is complementary, it is an accessory. How will a corrupt government be able to work? How will an economic model riddled with corruption be able to work? He asked. Nothing works when corruption is present. It is the variable that was not taken into account, he added.

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