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News > Brazil

Lula Sanctions Food Purchase Program for Small Producers

  • The program aims to help small and medium-sized rural producers. Jul. 20, 2023.

    The program aims to help small and medium-sized rural producers. Jul. 20, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@LulaOficial

Published 20 July 2023

"If a government invests in health and education, we are not spending; we are investing. We are improving people's lives," Lula said. 

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sanctioned on Thursday the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) and the Solidarity Kitchens Program. At least 30% of public purchases of food products must be made from small farmers.

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"The government is investing in the quality of food for the Brazilian people; it is investing so that they have the right to the necessary calories and proteins, so that children can have breakfast, lunch, and dinner and eat enough to not die of hunger," Lula said at a ceremony at the Planalto Palace.

In this regard, the president noted via Twitter that this is part of his attempts to change "the way society understands spending and investment. If a government invests in health and education, we are not spending; we are investing. We are improving people's lives."

On the occasion, Lula announced that this time the PAA has important novelties. "In addition to the inclusion of the Solidarity Kitchens, there is an increase in the amount that can be sold by family farmers and a minimum participation of 50% of women in the implementation of the program."

The tweet reads, "There is something new in relation to the PAA that I launched in 2003: this time, the Solidarity Kitchens will now be public policy. These kitchens were fundamental during the pandemic."

The program aims to help small and medium-sized rural producers, who often grow crops but do not have access to a market to sell their products.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Development, family farming has the capacity to provide 248,000 tons of food per year.

The program was launched in 2003, during Lula's first term in office, with the objective of contributing to guaranteeing food and nutritional security for the Brazilian population and also strengthening family farming food production.

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