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MLK's Daughter Slams Trump for 'Assassination'

  • Rev. Bernice King, daughter of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Rev. Bernice King, daughter of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. | Photo: Reuters

Published 10 August 2016

Bernice King, whose father was assassinated in the 1960s, said that Donald Trump’s Second Amendment comments were disturbing and dangerous.

The daughter of civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr., Bernice King, slammed Donald Trump over comments he made Tuesday that suggested those who oppose gun control should use lethal force—presumably against his rival Hillary Clinton and the judges she appoints—to protect their right to possess arms.

Trump Appears to Suggest Gun Rights Advocates May Kill Clinton

“As the daughter of a leader who was assassinated, I find #Trump’s comments distasteful, disturbing, dangerous,” King said in a tweet Wednesday. “His words don’t #LiveUp.”

In Wilmington, North Carolina, Trump had said of Clinton: “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks,” before adding, “Although, the Second Amendment people, maybe there is.”

Clinton said Wednesday that his comments “incited violence." Her secret service detail said it had met with Trump early Wednesday to question him about his comments about the former secretary of state.

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