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Maine to Vote on Legalizing Recreational Use of Marijuana

  • Maine voters will decide whether to make recreational marijuana use legal in November.

    Maine voters will decide whether to make recreational marijuana use legal in November. | Photo: Reuters

Published 27 April 2016

The state, which early on embraced legal medicinal marijuana and same-sex marriage, will now vote on the legal recreational use of marijuana.

Maine is all set to vote on the legalization of recreational marijuana. In the latest tide of decriminalizing the drug, supporters of Maine’s “Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol” were successful in getting the required number of signatures, 61,1123, to be added to the ballot in November.

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Lawmakers will either pass the proposal as written, which many are saying is unlikely, or citizens of Maine will decide on the issue come November.

Maine had already legalized medicinal marijuana way back in 1999. If the legalization campaign is successful, anyone over the age of 21 will be allowed to grow and possess small amounts of marijuana. Maine would also see state-regulated businesses selling the drug.

David Boyer from the campaign says legalizing cannabis takes the industry out of the hands of drug dealers.

“This November, Maine voters will have the opportunity to adopt a more sensible marijuana policy,” he said.

As expected, not everyone is pleased with the news.

“Allowing the legalization of marijuana in Maine would worsen our addiction crisis and defeat all of the hard work of the community leaders and citizens who’ve rallied to put plans into place,” said Scott Gagnon, from the anti-legalization group Smart Approaches to Marijuana Maine.

Maine joins California and Nevada in the states looking to legalize marijuana in November.

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