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US News Outlet Calls Trump 'Liar' and 'Racist' in Every Article

  • Screenshot from a video by Deportracism.com on kids telling Donald Trump off.

    Screenshot from a video by Deportracism.com on kids telling Donald Trump off. | Photo: deportracism.com

Published 28 January 2016

Watch an outrageous anti-Donald Trump NGO video of Latino kids born in the U.S. telling the GOP candidate how they feel.

Republican party presidential hopeful Donald Trump is “a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, birther and a bully,” said Huffington Post Thursday, a news outlet that has over 100 million monthly visitors.

The news outlet's opinion of Trump surfaced after the news organization told Politico they would attach a note to each story they publish on the real estate mogul calling him a “racist” and “liar,” among other things.

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The full note to “our readers,” will be as follows: “Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, birther, and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims—1.6 billion members of an entire religion—from entering the U.S.”

A Huffington Post spokesperson told Politico the note would be included at the bottom of all articles they publish on Trump's presidential campaign.

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"Yes, we're planning to add this note to all future stories about Trump," the spokesperson added. "No other candidate has called for banning 1.6 billion people from the country! If any other candidate makes such a proposal, we'll append a note under pieces about them."

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The Huffington Post had already decided last summer they would publish all of Trump's stories in the Entertainment section instead of in Politics.

But, after Trump began emerging as one of the GOP's main candidate in December, Huffington began placing his stories back into the Politics section.

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