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Malaysian Flight MH370 Search Team Releases Ocean Floor Images

  •  Three-dimensional models of the sea floor terrain in the southern Indian Ocean. The area is being scanned and surveyed ahead of the underwater search for MH370 believed to have ditched in the water after running out of fuel. (Photo: ATSB)

    Three-dimensional models of the sea floor terrain in the southern Indian Ocean. The area is being scanned and surveyed ahead of the underwater search for MH370 believed to have ditched in the water after running out of fuel. (Photo: ATSB)

Published 26 September 2014

Investigators used specialist sonar equipment to capture images of an area of the Indian Oceans's floor. There was no evidence of plane wreckage, but the images are expected to help in the ongoing search.

A team of investigators led by the Australian Transportation Safety Board searching for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 released colorful images for of the ocean floor they hope will lead to clues to the whereabouts of the missing jet.

The flight and its 238 passengers mysteriously vanished without a trace on March 8. It left the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, on its way to Beijing.

"The recently acquired high-resolution bathymetry data has revealed many of these seabed features for the first time," the Australian Transport Safety Bureau stated.

According to the BBC, prior to the release of these images there were better maps of Mars available than this part of the ocean floor.

The search team, which will resume its investigation September 30, will use deep water vehicles to scour the ocean floor in pursuit of finding wreckage.

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