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News > Latin America

Marches in Ecuador Continue Following Coup Plot Revelation

  • The opposition planned to take the Carondelet Palace by force this afternoon (teleSUR)

    The opposition planned to take the Carondelet Palace by force this afternoon (teleSUR)

Published 2 July 2015

Three opposition marches and one pro-government demonstration are planned for Quito this afternoon. 

​Tensions are running high in Ecuador as three marches opposition marches are planned for today as well as the pro-government rally in Independence Plaza this afternoon.

On Wednesday, the Interior Minister Jose Serrano revealed a conversation between opposition leader Andres Paez and ex-head of military intelligence Mario Pazmiño to the press, detailing violent plans to occupy the Carondelet Presidential Palace, and overthrow the government.

Serrano read a transcript to the press of the conversation, "(The opposition) will take the Carondelet Palace by force. (The opposition) will bring people together and position them at various entrances to Independence Plaza. They will break with force, break with force, police barricades."

In the recording, Paez and Pazmiño discussed organizing a caravan to the airport for this Sunday to prevent the entrance of Pope Francis to the country, as well as blocking  the Peruvian and Colombian borders during the papal visit. They said their objective was to try to create enough chaos to deter the pope's visit.

Via his Twitter account, President Rafael Correa called on supporters to come to Independence Plaza this afternoon and people began arriving early Thursday, with flags and signs defending the advances they have experienced under the Citizen's Revolution in the face of recent right-wing destabilization attempts.

"What they want to maintain are these colonial structures where a little group of people have power, political power and economic power, social power, over the vast majority of the people. We don't believe in that, we are going to fight for our country, for a country that is just, for a country that has social justice, and that has equity,” said Minister of Health Carina Vance in an interview with teleSUR English at Independence Plaza.

Juanita Carrion, a citizen at Independence Plaza, told teleSUR English, "What they want is to destabilize the government. And through these marches try to prevent the visit of the pope. We are here with a clean conscience as our President says, with our hands clean, our hearts open, open minds to support and help this political process, so that it continues."

People have been arriving to the plaza throughout the day, and will enjoy music and a festive atmosphere this afternoon, defending the Carondelet Palace following the revelation of violent plans which seek to destabilize the government.


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