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News > Mexico

Mexican President Announces Aid Plan to Grace Victims

  • Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will visit Veracruz to define support plan for victims of hurricane

    Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will visit Veracruz to define support plan for victims of hurricane "Grace". | Photo: Twitter @perfildehugo

Published 23 August 2021

At his daily morning press conference at the National Palace, the Mexican president said that there were deaths, missing people, and material damages in Veracruz.

​On Monday, ​​​​​​President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced an aid plan for victims of Hurricane Grace and a fire on a Pemex platform in Campeche over the weekend.


Mexico: Grace Caused 9 Victims and Important Economic Damages

At his daily morning press conference at the National Palace, the president said that there were deaths, missing people and material damages in Veracruz.

He explained that the deaths due to Grace, reported in the most affected state of all those hit by it, were the result of a landslide that buried houses, one of them with the six members of the family inside, who were all killed.

The other two deaths were due to the same cause, and so far three people have been reported missing. The president announced that work on the support plan for the victims is being sped up, and on Tuesday, he will go to Veracruz to closely follow the situation and the recovery work.

He mentioned a plan of the Federal Energy Commission to solve power supply problems, although the service has already been largely restored.

He said that they are working on water supply due to the lack of power, and the armed forces and the navy are taking food supplies to the area and drinking water on airplanes and will continue to provide support.

Grace, which made landfall in Veracruz as a category 3 hurricane on the Saffir Simpson scale of 5, but later became a tropical storm and left the state as a low-pressure system, generated strong winds, high waves and rain in several towns in the state of Veracruz, such as Tuxpan, Poza Rica, Xalapa, the port of Veracruz and Catemaco.

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