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News > Latin America

Mexico Says Donald Trump is 'Absurd and Prejudiced'

  • "This is an exceedingly silly man," said Hispanic civil rights activist Lisa Navarrete about Donald Trump. | Photo: Reuters

Published 17 June 2015

The Mexican Government responded to Trump’s statements that Mexico only sends rapists, criminals and drugs to the United States. 

The Mexican Government criticized U.S. business tycoon Donald Trump as “absurd and prejudiced” after he said Mexico sent rapists, drug traffickers and criminals across the border into the United States.

“It's obvious he has no clear project and that he obviously has no idea what Mexican migrants contribute to the United States, as well as migrants from the rest of the world, who have backed the development of the United States,” the Ministry of the Interior said in a statement, according to Mexican newspaper Reforma.

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The ministry added that the contribution of Mexicans in the U.S. has been recognized by the people of the United States.

During a speech Tuesday, in which he announced he would be running for U.S. president, Trump also said he would build a “great wall” along the border with Mexico, which wouldn't cost U.S. taxpayers a dime, because he said Mexico would pay for the construction.

“I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will have Mexico pay for that wall,” Trump said, but did not provide details on how he would get Mexico to agree. He might not know that there is already a pretty big fence along most of the border between both countries.

(Photo: Reuters)

“[Mexico] are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists,” the billionaire added.

The Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization National Council of La Raza also lashed out at Trump.

“This is an exceedingly silly man, who has no idea what he’s talking about,” said Lisa Navarrete, spokesperson for the group. “His claims are absurd. This is a man who has a pathological need for attention.”

“I look at him as a two-year-old who will say a naughty word to get their parents’ attention. That’s what he’s doing.”

Navarrete said that despite the absurdity of Trump's statements, they actually align with the ideology of some of the members and supporters of the Republican party.

“Part of the reason why Latinos are so alienated from the Republican party these days is there’s a sense that there are people who actually believe [what Trump stated].”

Trump has been mulling the idea of running for president since the 1980s. He had said he was considering a bid during almost every election cycle since 2000, according to the Guardian. But Tuesday’s event at Trump Tower represents the first time he has fully outlined his policies and political beliefs, which head in a completely different direction than that of other Republicans, such as Jeb Bush, who are reaching out to the Hispanic vote.

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