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News > Latin America

Morales Praises Role of Social Movements in Changing Bolivia

  • The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales speaks during a press conference at the presidential palace in La Paz, April 15, 2015.

    The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales speaks during a press conference at the presidential palace in La Paz, April 15, 2015. | Photo: Reuters

Published 25 June 2015

Evo Morales said that Bolivia has improved due to the struggle of workers and campesinos.

Bolivia's President Evo Morales highlighted the importance of social movements in driving the changes and the economic growth experienced by the South American country in recent years.

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The socialist leader said that Bolivia today has greater economic resources available due to the struggle of workers and campesinos. The movements were key to the fight against neo-liberalism that has weakened the South American nation's economy.

Morales made his remarks Thursday during an official event at the National Police Academy in La Paz, during an event marking the 189th anniversary of its creation.

The government of Morales, who is the first indigenous president of Bolivia in nearly 500 years, has promoted social policies and reforms that have dramatically reduced extreme poverty in a country where indigenous people constitute approximately 62 percent of population.

According to official figures extreme poverty was reduced from 38.2 percent in 2005 — when Morales was elected president — to 21.6 percent in 2012.

Last year, Morales won at the general elections to govern for a further term and will hold the presidency until 2020. The indigenous leader has a huge wave of support despite critics from the right and upper classes.

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