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Most US Voters Agree on Bernie Sanders' 'Political Revolution'

  • The Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders with supporters at a town hall meeting in Independence, Iowa.

    The Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders with supporters at a town hall meeting in Independence, Iowa. | Photo: Reuters

Published 3 February 2016

A recent poll by Vox news found that more than 54 percent of registered U.S. voters agreed that a political revolution might be needed in order to redistribute wealth.

According to a new poll, most voters in the United States want a “political revolution that redistributes wealth,” something that presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has placed at the heart of his campaign.

In the poll conducted by Vox news website, almost 54 percent of those asked said they agreed with this statement: "In the next decade, a political revolution might be necessary to redistribute money from the wealthiest Americans to the middle class."

Meanwhile, only 30 percent said they strongly or somewhat disagreed.

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According to Vox, the online poll involved a sample of 1,884 registered voters across the U.S. and was carried out from Friday, Jan. 29, through Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016.

Sanders campaign is claiming that his “political revolution” and some of his economic policies would in fact resonate with traditionally less liberal or left-leaning voters.

While the majority of those who agreed with the statement were liberals or left-leaning voters, the poll results also show that there is some truth to Sanders’ claims.

According to Vox, majorities of less liberal groups agreed with the statement too, including independents (51-27), moderates (54-27), whites (51-33), evangelicals (51-36), people who said they didn't vote in 2012 (58-19), and even Tea Party supporters (55-36).

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However, not surprisingly, a political revolution was mostly supported by African Americans (68-12), Hispanics (65-15), Democrats (68-17), and 18- to 29-year-olds (68-20). And support was weakest among Republicans (36-51) and seniors (38-43).

However, most of those polled said big government is a bigger threat than big business, with 55 percent voting against big government and only 30 percent naming big business as the greater threat.

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Vox said the result suggested “the country hasn't moved so far to the left after all, and that an agenda that will expand government remains a tough sell” for Sanders and leftist progressives in the United States.

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