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Muslim Cemetery Demolition Infuriates Cultural Groups in Israel

  • A view of Jerusalem from the Dolth'in neighborhood. Cultural groups have accused Israel of trying to scrub the city of its Islamic heritage.

    A view of Jerusalem from the Dolth'in neighborhood. Cultural groups have accused Israel of trying to scrub the city of its Islamic heritage. | Photo: Reuters

Published 5 August 2015

Cultural and religious organizations have condemned the destruction of an ancient cemetery in Jerusalem.

The opening of a cafe allegedly built over a historic Muslim graveyard sparked controversy in Jerusalem Tuesday, with heritage groups accusing Israel of trying to scrub Jerusalem of its Islamic history.

According to Israel's Haaretz newspaper, the cafe is part of a larger construction project that includes housing units, a hotel and a car park. However, heritage groups say the entire project is being built over the Maaman Allah cemetery – widely believed to be Israel's oldest and largest Islamic graveyard.

"All these projects are being constructed over the skulls of Muslims buried in the cemetery … cemeteries are supposed to be protected in all religious beliefs and international conventions," said Amir Khatib, the head of the Aqsa Foundation for Endowment and Heritage, according to Al Jazeera.

A coalition of cultural and religious organizations have filed a petition to the Israeli High Court of Justice to demand the graveyard be protected. They argue the ancient cemetery is of significant cultural and historic value, with some suggesting it likely holds the remains of historic figures close to the Prophet Muhammad, along with soldiers that fought under the Egyptian Sultan Saladin during the Crusades.

According to Al Jazeera, the owner of the cafe at the center of the dispute has stated they weren't aware of a cemetery under the site.

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