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Ñ Don't Stop: Mexican Migrant Defies Deportation in Chicago

Published 25 May 2016

Jose Juan Moreno has been fighting deportation for seven years and has now taken refuge in a Chicago Church to avoid leaving his family behind.

In order not to be deported from the U.S. and face separation from his wife and five U.S.-born children, Jose Juan Moreno, an undocumented Mexican immigrant, has taken refuge in a South Side Chicago church, where the community has defended him and rallied by his side.

Elections and Undocumented Immigrants in the United States

He spoke to teleSUR’s “Ñ Don't Stop” show from inside the church sanctuary. “I got caught for a DUI (Driving Under Influence) seven years ago. The ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) charged me as driving without a license,” Moreno said in an interview.

“Seven years ago none of us immigrants here could even obtain a driver’s license. So I fought my case for seven years, with the aid of various groups being able to inform myself that there are people out there that can help us in these situations.”

But years later, ICE ruled against him and he was to be deported. Moreno took refuge in the church “because I want to fight for them [his family]. Nobody likes to be locked in, nobody like that but we have to fight for what we want, no?”

He added that he is getting the strength to continue fighting from his wife, his children, and the people who are supporting and helping his family.

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