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NYC Taxi Drivers Won't Have to Take English Exam to Work

  • New York City taxi cabs drive through Times Square in New York.

    New York City taxi cabs drive through Times Square in New York. | Photo: Reuters

Published 20 August 2016

New York is home to nearly 144,000 active drivers of medallion cabs, livery cars and other for-hire vehicles, over 90 percent of whom are born outside the United States.

The English proficiency exam for taxi and for-hire vehicle drivers is not longer required in New York as of Friday, affecting thousands of largely immigrant taxi drivers in the U.S.'s biggest city, Reuters report.

Women Drivers for Women Customers, New York City's New Taxi Service

The bill, signed by Mayor Bill DeBlasio in April, is the latest big change for cab drivers as policymakers and regulators try to adapt the city's requirements to demographic and technological changes. The legislation created a single license for all taxicab and for-hire vehicles and eliminated the English language proficiency test, according to a New York City Council website.

The Council described the requirement as "a significant barrier to entry to driving a taxi" in a statement announcing the bill and other related legislation in January.

New York is home to nearly 144,000 active drivers of medallion cabs, livery cars and other for-hire vehicles, according to a 2016 report from the Taxi and Limousine Commission. Over 90 percent of those drivers are born outside the United States.

The Taxi and Limousine Commission is working with the mayor's office on a potential education program that would include English language vocabulary for drivers, a spokeswoman for the Commission said.

The new law was part of a broader legislative package that also included a bill to require the Taxi and Limousine Commission to directly administer a health care services program.

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