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New French Defence Minister Resigns amid Party Scandal

  • Goulard has demitted office amid an investigation into the misuse of European parliamentary funds by her party, MoDem.

    Goulard has demitted office amid an investigation into the misuse of European parliamentary funds by her party, MoDem. | Photo: AFP

Published 20 June 2017

In a statement, Goulard said her resignation was an act of “good faith” following the investigation.

Newly appointed French defence minister and former Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Sylvie Goulard, has resigned.

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Goulard has demitted office amid an investigation into the misuse of European parliamentary funds by her party, MoDem.

The investigation centers around the misuse of MoDem funds in the hiring of assistants in the European parliament.

MoDem is led by François Bayrou, a long-time centrist who backed Macron in his presidential run.

In a statement, Goulard said her resignation was an act of “good faith” following the investigation. “Defence is a demanding portfolio. The honor of our armies, that of the men and women who serve and put their lives in danger should not be mixed up in controversies that have nothing to do with them,” she said.

Goulard, who was appointed by new French President Emmanuel Macron last month, has asked not to be considered as part of the new government.

Macron has vowed to clean up French politics, promising a “moralization bill” that will ban politicians from employing members of their family as staff and demand disclosure of all personal interests when in office.

“The president has undertaken to restore confidence in public office, to reform France and to revive Europe. This reorganization must take precedence over any personal considerations,” said Goulard.

Goulard served as an MEP in the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe from 2009 to 2017.

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe is expected to announce his new government tomorrow.

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