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News > Spain

Open Arms Rescues 24 Migrants in the Mediterranean

  • Migrants rescued by Open Arms in the Mediterranean Sea, August 2, 2023.

    Migrants rescued by Open Arms in the Mediterranean Sea, August 2, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @openarms_found

Published 2 August 2023

Among the rescued African migrants were 6 women and 9 unaccompanied minors who had left Libya five days ago.

On Wednesday, the Open Arms ship rescued 24 African migrants who were traveling on a boat and warned that over 100 people are in danger on another vessel in the central Mediterranean.


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"The Open Arms locates and rescues a very precarious wooden boat in which 24 people were traveling, including 6 women and 9 unaccompanied minors... They had left Libya 5 days ago and were drifting", the NGO Open Arms said.

Just before rescuers arrived, 5 people ended up in the water, although "everyone is now safe on board" the ship.

"Meanwhile, we have received notice of another ship in distress with more than 100 people in danger. We have alerted the authorities and we are heading to the right place. It is important to arrive on time," the humanitarian vessel said.

On July 26, the Open Arms ship, which has already completed 102 humanitarian missions in the Mediterranean, disembarked 72 migrants in the port of Salerno. This happened a few days after rescuing 299 people in the Mediterranean and disembarking them later in Brindisi.

On Tuesday, the sailboat of the Spanish NGO Astral, which can help boats in distress but not rescue their occupants, helped the 40 migrants who were traveling in a boat without a motor until they were rescued by Italian authorities.

"The 40 people insured by Astral were rescued by an Italian Marine Guard patrol boat. Fortunately, the joint intervention of our ship and the Italian authorities prevented the worst, the ship sank during the transfer," Astral tweeted.

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