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News > Latin America

Opposition Holds Lead Over Ruling Party in Capital of Paraguay

  • Elections to chose mayors and council-members are due to take place on November 15 in the South American country of Paraguay.

    Elections to chose mayors and council-members are due to take place on November 15 in the South American country of Paraguay. | Photo: Nodal

Published 4 November 2015

A recent poll gave the center-left Mario Ferreiro a healthy lead over the candidate of the ruling right-wing Colorado party.

Mario Ferreiro, representing the center-left Together We Can coalition, holds a healthy lead in the race for mayor of Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, according to recent polls that show him beating incumbet mayort mayor Arnaldo Samaniego of the ruling Colorado party.

Elections will be held across the South American country on November 15, with voters choosing 250 mayors and 2,650 council-members.

In a poll conducted for ABC newspaper released last Thursday Ferreiro held a 17.5 point advantage over Samaniego. Ricardo Meyer of the Independent Front was a distant third. 

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The poll by First Analysis and Studies found that support for Ferreiro was strongest among lower-income voters, whereas wealthier voters backed Samaniego. Ferreiro's support among young voters was also stronger than that for his rival.

Respondents also reported that they were unlikely to change their minds before November 15. 

Ferreiro ran for president in 2013 for the Forward Country coalition, which broke away from the Guasu Front of former president Fernando Lugo. 

The election of Lugo in 2008 marked the first time the Colorado Party had lost power in over 60 years. Lugo was removed from office in 2012 after what critics called a “parliamentary coup.”

The Colorado Party has been the subject of intense criticism over its increasingly unpopular policies. Large anti-government rallies were recently held in Asuncion

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