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'Our Victory Is Resounding' Andres Arauz Said From Ecuador

  • Presidential candidate Andres Arauz, Quito, Ecuador, Feb., 7, 2021.

    Presidential candidate Andres Arauz, Quito, Ecuador, Feb., 7, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @ecuarauz

Published 7 February 2021

According to unofficial preliminary results, the leftist Presidential candidate won 36.2 percent of the votes and banker Guillermo Lasso got 21.7 percent. If this trend consolidates, Ecuador will have a run-off election in April.

One hour after the official closing of the Ecuadorian elections, Union for Hope (UNES) Presidential candidate Andres Arauz offered a press conference to make a brief assessment of the electoral process.


Andres Arauz Wins the First Electoral Round in Ecuador

"The extent of the victory is such that it gives us enough strength to face the future with serenity," he said.

"We have been victorious in all regions of the country and that is a sign showing that our project is truly national."

The Leftist candidate recalled that the figures so far reported come from exit polls, which are based on samples. Arauz called on all citizens to be absolutely respectful of the democratic process and wait for the National Electoral Council (CNE) to issue official results.

The UNES presidential candidate pointed out that there are reasons to believe that the difference between first place and second place will be much wider when all the votes are counted.

"The exit polls' results do not reflect the votes abroad", he said and called on 36,000 volunteers to remain at the polling stations to ensure a proper vote count. He also indicated that his team has implemented a technological system to monitor in real-time the vote counts.

"Our candidacy represents all the Ecuadorian people and that will be part of the construction of the new government," Arauz said and invited everyone to unite to overcome "the crisis and mistreatment" in which citizens have lived over the last four years.

"We invite all the candidates who carried out a clean political campaign to join the project of hope," he added.

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