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Pakistan Taliban Warns Electrical Company to Stop Power Outages

  • Laborers build mass graves to bury the hundreds of victims of the intense heat wave in Karachi, Pakistan, June 25, 2015.

    Laborers build mass graves to bury the hundreds of victims of the intense heat wave in Karachi, Pakistan, June 25, 2015. | Photo: Reuters

Published 27 June 2015

The warning comes after several prolonged power outages have occurred in the south, where hundreds have died from a recent heat wave.

The Pakistani arm of the Taliban warned Friday that it would target the country's main utility company if it did not stop power outages in the southern Sindh province, where a devastating heat wave has killed over 1,000 people

According to the group – formally known locally as Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan – K-electric is “fully responsible” for the human tragedy, as power outages have caused people to go without access to fans, water or light for hours on end.

“Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan considers K-Electric fully responsible because of undue load shedding [power outages] and greed for profits,” said Muhammad Khurasani, the Pakistani Taliban spokesman, in a statement released Friday.

He added that if K-Electric fails to improve its service, “in the interest of the oppressed people, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan will not hesitate to take proper steps against K-Electric.” 

The Sindh province is currently experiencing a record heat wave with temperatures reaching as high as 45 degrees Celsius last Sunday. Over 1,000 people have already lost their lives, unable to escape the heat.

RELATED: Pakistan Heat Wave Rages 

Chronic and prolonged power outages have been reported in the region since last Wednesday – what has lead to public protests in the streets of the provincial capital Karachi.

The privately owned K-Electric said earlier this week that the power outages were because of a spike in demand for electricity due to the current heat wave, as well as illegal connections.

Taha Siddiqui, a spokesperson for K-Electric said the Taliban's threat is a serious concern.

“This is obviously a concern for K-Electric that the TTP [Pakistani Taliban] have issued a release like this,” said Siddiqui. “As far as faults are concerned, they have been reduced, and we have also reduced load shed [power cuts] in the last two days.” 

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