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News > Latin America

Paraguay Students Hold 'Funeral for Education' Amid Strike

  • More than 120 schools participated in the march.

    More than 120 schools participated in the march. | Photo: Twitter / @Unepy

Published 25 August 2017

Students are continuing a 48-hour strike demanding more funds for education across the country.

Students in Paraguay have taken to the streets, on the second day of an education strike, demanding reforms while calling for more investment toward books and supplies.

Teachers, Workers, Students Strike Across South America

The National Union of Secondary Student Centers of Paraguay, Unepy, began a march in the center of the capital city of Asuncion.

Teachers also joined the march, which reached the headquarters of the Ministry of Education and then mobilized to Congress, where they demanded that all supplies be delivered in time at the beginning of the school term in February.

Unepy member Ruth Martinez said they staged a "funeral" to show the "deplorable" state of education in the country. 

"We are here to say that the government and the Ministry of Education are killing the education of students and teachers," Martinez said.

We are starting the march in Asuncion. #WeMarchOnThe25th
The act refers to the delayed investment in public education and the lack of political will of those who govern.

More than 120 schools participated in the march.

"We want our books and other materials to be delivered at the beginning of the year. Each year, the Ministry refuses to distribute these essential study tools for our education," Martinez added.

On Thursday, a teachers' union organized a strike to demand wage increases with a march to the headquarters of the Ministry of Finance.

The teachers rejected the proposal of the government of President Horacio Cartes of a gradual pay increase of eight percent for people who have been working in education for more than 20 years. Those who have less seniority will only get five percent.

The teachers are demanding a pay increase of 32 percent.

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