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Poll: More Republicans Favor Citizenship Than Mexico Border Wall, Deportations

  • Men walk along the Mexican side of the border along the wall that separates Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico from Douglas, Arizona May 23, 2006.

    Men walk along the Mexican side of the border along the wall that separates Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico from Douglas, Arizona May 23, 2006. | Photo: Reuters

Published 20 July 2016

Despite the anti-immigrant policies of Republican candidate Donald Trump, more Republicans favor a path to citizenship for the undocumented.

More Republicans favor a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants than Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's proposal to build a wall along the southern border, according a new Gallup poll released on Wednesday.

The survey found that 67 percent of GOP voters said they want undocumented immigrants living in the United States to have a path to eventually obtain citizenship, while 62 percent said they support Trump’s initiative to construct a wall along the 1,954-mile U.S.-Mexico border.

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The findings also showed divided attitudes among GOP voters regarding Trump’s proposal to deport 11.3 undocumented immigrants living in the United States, with 50 per cent of Republican voters supporting the initiative and 48 percent opposing the measure.

Nevertheless, the new research comes after the U.S. Republican Party approved on Monday its new policy platform, which includes language that embraces Donald Trump’s controversial proposals on immigration and issued a commitment to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

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“Our highest priority must be to secure our borders and all ports of entry and to enforce our immigration laws. That is why we support building a wall along our southern border and protecting all ports of entry. The border wall must cover the entirety of the southern border and must be sufficient to stop both vehicular and pedestrian traffic,” the official GOP document read.

The newly-released policy paper, which was approved by a verbal vote on the floor of the Republican national convention in Cleveland, contains highly xenophobic language arguing that "illegal immigrants" represent a danger to U.S. citizens.

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“Illegal immigration endangers everyone, exploits the taxpayers, and insults all who aspire to enter America legally,” the document states.

Immigration has been a major focus of the 2016 campaign in part due to Trump’s radical policy proposals and overall emphasis on the issue.

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