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News > Venezuela

President Maduro Calls to Prop Up Venezuelan Exports

  • Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (C), Aug. 30, 2023.

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (C), Aug. 30, 2023. | Photo: X/ @PresidencialVen

Published 31 August 2023

Promoting exports is imperative because "producers need foreign currency to continue growing," he said.

On Wednesday, the president of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro called to shore up exports to strengthen the country's economic model.


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He paid a visit to the Don Tito Poultry Farm, located in the Carabobo state, in the north-central coastal region of the country, where he stressed that the export vocation is essential to consolidate a prosperous future for the Bolivian nation.

Maduro pointed out that the priority is to guarantee food production to satisfy internal demand. However, promoting exports is imperative because "producers need foreign currency to continue growing."

"We have to add the construction of the export vocation of all companies because it guarantees access to foreign currency and that, in turn, to new technologies and investments with their own muscle, with their own strength", the Bolivarian leader said and applauded the capacity and potential of agricultural entrepreneurs to sell their products abroad.

"I imagine the Venezuelan industry and agricultural producers after three, five or ten years, exporting large amounts of food to Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Colombia," Maduro said.

"We have competitive advantages, including the unmatched quality of the Venezuelan product," he added and instructed Vice President Delcy Rodriguez to promote investments.

“You have to multiply the investment. That is the virtuous dynamic that the new economic model must integrate and articulate. We must achieve direct investment in industries and agriculture,” the Bolivarian leader stressed.

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