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News > Bolivia

Promoting Actions Against Gender Violence in Bolivia

  • Maria Nela Prada, Minister of the Presidency, stated the 2022 as

    Maria Nela Prada, Minister of the Presidency, stated the 2022 as "Year of the Cultural Revolution for De-patriarchalization." Jan. 7, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@LaRazon_Bolivia

Published 7 January 2022

The Bolivian government is promoting actions to eradicate gender violence against women.

Bolivia's government stated the current year 2022 as a "Year of the Cultural Revolution for De-patriarchalization," which promotes actions to eliminate gender violence against women.


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Maria Nela Prada, Minister of the Presidency, stated that the initiative was taken under Supreme Decree 4650, published on the official Gazette.

Prada stated that several institutions would take cultural changing actions to avoid gender violence based on decolonization and de-patriarchalization.

“During 2021, nine out of 10 victims of family or domestic violence were women (…). These data should not only prompt us to reflect, but also to mobilize and take action constantly,” she said.


The Ministry of Justice explained that at least 50 percent of the complaints processed last 2021 have to do with crimes related to domestic violence against women.

Nidya Pesantez, UN Women's officer in this nation, considers Bolivia the South American country with the highest rate of femicides. Despite this, it has an advanced, progressive national legal framework, "we have not managed to ensure the full enforcement of the law," she stressed.

According to the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Crimes against Life and Personal Integrity, between January 1 and December 21 of the past year, at least 107 femicides were registered in Bolivia.

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