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Protests Organized Across the Globe Ahead of Paris Climate Talks

  • Greenpeace activists in Cologne, western Germany, on November 28, 2015

    Greenpeace activists in Cologne, western Germany, on November 28, 2015 | Photo: AFP

Published 28 November 2015

Climate change protests are being held across the globe this weekend as part of international action before next week's Paris climate talks.

Demonstrations took place across in major cities across the world on Saturday with protesters demanding leaders to reach an urgent agreement on climate change during the UN climate summit, which officially opens in the French capital on Monday.

Rallies occurred in various countries including Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Bangladesh and Japan, as climate activists called attention to the devastating impacts of climate change. 

RELATED: Climate Activists to France's Hollande: Let Us Protest at COP21

Ahead of the COP21 forum, hundreds of people gathered in Tokyo to participate in the protest known as Earth Parade, in which citizens urged their government to adopt clean and renewable energy. 

Meanwhile, in New Zealand thousands of people convened in Auckland's Albert Park, demanding the government take urgent action on climate change. 

Also, in the nearby Philippines, an estimated 3,000 people, which included participation from including religious clergy, students and activists took to the streets Manila to demand the immediate reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. 

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of climate activists arriving in Paris ahead of the UN Climate Conference are preparing to defy a ban on street protests in the wake of the recent terror attacks.

Environmental activists had hoped more than 200,000 would take to the streets of Paris for the People's Climate March on Sunday.

However, leading up to the Sunday’s planned protests, French President Francois Hollande announced a state of emergency banning the protests, marches and other "outdoor activities" during the 12-day summit. 

According to the French Ministry of Interior  312 people including the 24 climate activists have been put under house arrest in France since the state of emergency was declared earlier this month. 

During the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21), 195 countries will attempt to reach a legally binding agreement requiring nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. 

The goal is to limit average global warming to two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), perhaps less, over pre-Industrial Revolution levels by curbing fossil fuel emissions blamed for climate change.

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