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News > Latin America

Guatemalan President Perez Molina Jailed after Resigning

  • A man, holding a sign saying

    A man, holding a sign saying "peace" | Photo: Xinhua

Published 3 September 2015

The former head of state said he will defend himself. A judge say the case against Perez Molina will continue this Friday. 

A Guatemalan judge ordered provisional jail time for the now former President of Guatemala, Otto Perez Molina, who resigned earlier Thursday.

Judge Miguel Angel Gálvez sentenced the former president to jail Thursday and said he will be transferred to the barracks of Matamoro, located in the capital. He announced that the court case against Perez Molina will continue tomorrow Friday.  

At the first hearing, the court listened to 15 wiretaps, including one linked directly to Perez Molina, who had allegedly ordered the creation of four bank accounts to holds funds diverted by customs service.

RELATED: Guatemala Rejoices at President Otto Perez Molina's Resignation

After the first hearing Thursday morning, Perez Molina said he will defend his case and will not flee the country.

The Guatemalan Congress accepted Thursday Perez Molina’s resignation as president of the country with 116 votes in favor.  

Prosecutors accuse the president of masterminding a scheme to embezzle millions of dollars from a customs service as part of a fraud ring.

The allegations against Perez Molina were made by influential sectors in Guatemala, including the office of human rights, the agricultural, rural, industrial, and financial committees, the Peasant Unity Committee, the Catholic and Evangelical churches and members of civil organizations.
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