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Queer Dance Party Protest Strikes Again, This Time at Ivanka’s

  • Queer Dance Party for Climate Justice protestors marching to Ivanka Trump's Washington, D.C. mansion. April 1, 2017

    Queer Dance Party for Climate Justice protestors marching to Ivanka Trump's Washington, D.C. mansion. April 1, 2017 | Photo: Twitter

Published 2 April 2017

Ivanka Trump is "green and pinkwashing our climate and queer family. If she isn't gaslighting us she should come outside and werk it," said Aronsohn.

LGBTQ and climate justice activists set up another queer dance party in Washington, D.C. on Saturday night, this time outside Ivanka Trump's new mansion.

Queer Dance Party Protest at VP-elect Mike Pence’s House

Organizers called the action after Ivanka Trump assumed an official role in the White House just days after her father signed an executive order gutting crucial environmental regulations aimed at avoiding catastrophic climate change.

"The reality is that the people most affected by the administration's bad climate decisions are our most vulnerable friends: our poor, working class, native, trans & POC siblings. We must put our bodies on the line for our earth and for all who depend on its resources," organizers wrote in a statement before the event.

"The entire Trump Administration has shown a blatant disregard for our planet and it's inhabitants, like paving the way for the Dakota Access Pipeline displacing the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe," the statement added.

Organizers wanted to specifically highlight Ivanka Trump's attempts to "green and pinkwash" her father's anti-climate and anti-LGBTQ policies.

"We can't let Ivanka trick our communities into supporting and legitimizing her," co-organizer Carla Aronsohn, told the Huffington Post. "We will show up to her home because the bad decisions of the Trump administration hit us in our daily lives, in our homes, and the nature we surround ourselves with."

Organized by WERK for Peace, 350.org DC, and the Trans Women of Color Collective, Saturday's actions is the second time activists brought the joy and solidarity of a queer dance party to the doorsteps of the Trump administration.

On the night before the Jan. 21 inauguration, WERK for Peace held a similar party outside the D.C. house of Donald Trump's vice president and notorious homophobe Mike Pence.

Just as her new boss did in January, Ivanka Trump apparently declined the invitation to werk her wonders with the boisterous crowd.

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