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Report: California to Raise Minimum Wage to US$15 by 2022

  • Ingrid Alarcon holds a sign before the Los Angeles City Council approved a proposal to increase the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour in Los Angeles, California June 3, 2015.

    Ingrid Alarcon holds a sign before the Los Angeles City Council approved a proposal to increase the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour in Los Angeles, California June 3, 2015. | Photo: Reuters

Published 27 March 2016

Lawmakers and union leaders appear to have reached a deal over raising the minimum wage from US$10 to US$15 over the next few years.

California’s minimum wage will be raised to US$15 an hour over the next few years after lawmakers and union leaders reached a deal Saturday night, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The paper said the deal will see the minimum wage increased from US$10 to US$10.50 an hour in 2017 and will increase by US$1 every year after that until reaching $15 an hour in 2022.

RELATED: After Protests and Strikes, 14 US States Implement Minimum Wage Increase for 2016

State Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to make the formal announcement as early as Monday, the L.A. Times said.

One state lawmaker confirmed the deal but not the details. "The governor and stakeholders have all been negotiating earnestly and in good faith for some time," state Sen. Mark Leno told the Associated Press.

By securing the deal, the state government avoided a political face-off as union leaders had previously threatened to take the issue to a referendum as many in the state showed support for a minimum wage increase.

The issue of minimum wage has been also at the center of the Democratic presidential primaries as both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton support an increase for the federal minimum wage, currently at US$7.75. Sanders vows to increase it to US$15 while Clinton wants it to become US$12.

RELATED: 15 Now! Wins in Los Angeles with $15 Wage Hike Approval

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