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Residente Blasts FEMA for Blocking Donations He Sent to Puerto Rico Hurricane Victims

  • The artist Residente performs alongside Calle 13 (FILE).

    The artist Residente performs alongside Calle 13 (FILE). | Photo: EFE

Published 2 November 2017

The artist blasted FEMA for allegedly storing the supplies in a warehouse rather than letting them go to people in need.

After raising funds for supplies to aid his Puerto Rican compatriots, the artist Residente – the nom de guerre of Rene Perez from music group Calle 13 – has accused the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, of intercepting the aid and mismanaging its distribution.

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With aid from Chile's government, Residente used his tour to collect various supplies to assist in recovery efforts following Hurricane Maria.

On Wednesday, however, the artist blasted the agency for allegedly storing the supplies in a warehouse rather than allowing them to make their way to those whom he had intended to receive them.

"The collection efforts made during my tour with the help of Chile's president arrived in PR and FEMA took it – @ricardorossello what the hell's going on ?!" the artist Tweeted in Spanish, tagging the governor of Puerto Rico.

Governor Ricardo Rossello quickly responded, commenting that he would investigate the situation while thanking Residente and the people of Chile for their assistance.

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