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Russian President Rules Out Use of Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin, Oct. 27, 2022.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, Oct. 27, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @IlzaAntniadeSo1

Published 27 October 2022

"Humankind faces a choice: accumulate a load of problems that will inevitably crush us all or try to find solutions that may not be ideal but working," Putin said. 

On Thursday, Russia's President Vladimir Putin ruled out that his country would use nuclear weapons in the conflict with Ukraine.


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"It makes no political or military sense for Russia to launch a nuclear attack. The thesis about the use of nuclear weapons by Russia is primitive and the Western powers are only looking for more arguments to confront Russia," he said.

However, "whoever sows wind will reap storms," Putin warned, blaming the West for having taken steps to escalate the conflict and destabilize global food and energy markets.

He also emphasized that the countries are currently faced with the dilemma of continuing to promote the usual scenarios or find answers to long-standing conflicts.

"Humankind now faces a choice: accumulate a load of problems that will inevitably crush us all or try to find solutions that may not be ideal but working and could make the world more stable and secure," he said, as reported by Politico.

These statements were made at the annual meeting of the Valdai Club, a forum for the discussion of international affairs where Putin reiterated the need to work towards the construction of a multipolar world.

There he recalled that the United States has been the only country that has used the atomic bomb, killing thousands of people in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

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