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Russian Town Flooded by 28 Million Liters of PepsiCo Juices

  • The massive spillage flowed into the streets and eventually the Don River.

    The massive spillage flowed into the streets and eventually the Don River. | Photo: Twitter

Published 2 May 2017

Pineapple, apricot, tangerine, grape, mango, pomegranate, apple, cherry, orange, grapefruit and tomato juices poured out of the collapsed plant.

A town in western Russia was recently flooded with more than 28 million liters of PepsiCo juices. The plant is the sixth-largest juice factory in the world.

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The streets of Lebedyan were overrun with tropical juices after a large portion of the PepsiCo-owned warehouse collapsed. About 300 square meters of the factory gave way, sending pineapple, apricot, tangerine, grape, mango, pomegranate, apple, cherry, orange, grapefruit and tomato juices flowing into the streets located about 235 miles south of Moscow. The drinks from the plant are sold under the brand name 'Ja' in Russia.

The massive spillage reportedly covered the surface of many roadways, eventually making its way into the Don River. The incident prompted environment activists to launched an investigation into whether or not the liquids could cause a health hazard.

Dmitriy Chursin, a representative of a local Russian environmental watchdog, confirmed that water samples from the river have been taken for testing, to see if the water supply had been affected. "So far our specialists haven’t found any signs of possible damage of water resources," Chursin said.

Two plant workers, who got trapped on a 125-ft-high gantry, were taken to the hospital after being rescued.

Pepsi representatives acknowledge that the incident took place and said they are ready to pay for any damage. The soft drink giants also stressed that the level of flooding is not as dramatic as reported.

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