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News > Haiti

Seven More Magistrates Removed From Haiti’s Judiciary System

  • The Judiciary System in Haiti. Jun. 28, 2023.

    The Judiciary System in Haiti. Jun. 28, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@oemena

Published 28 June 2023

Last January, the CSPJ announced that 30 judges were removed from the system for lack of moral integrity.

It was known today that the Haitian Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) announced the expulsion of seven magistrates for fraudulent certifications and lack of moral integrity.


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It is the second mass expulsion of magistrates from the judiciary. Earlier this year another 30 suffered the same fate for similar reasons. Among those affected by the measure of the Judiciary is Dudier Prophète, from the Justice of the Peace in Quartier-Morin, whose certification was withdrawn for alleged lack of moral integrity due to his request of monetary amounts from the litigants.

For his part, magistrate Luc Kerlin Charles, from the Saut-d'Eau court, is accused of falsifying secondary school certificates. On the other hand, the former dean of the Court of First Instance of Croix des Bouquets, Lionel Ralphe Dimanche, is accused of his involvement in proven cases of plunder, like his colleague Bruno Leriche.

Last January, the CSPJ announced that 30 judges were removed from the system for lack of moral integrity or academic insufficiency. En February they were prohibited from occupying their positions or exercising functions within the magistracy.

The CSPJ measure affects thirty judges and government commissioners in Port-au-Prince, Croix des Bouquets, Les Cayes, Cap Haitien, Gonaïves, Fort-Liberté and Jacmel.

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