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News > South Africa

South Africans Hit the Streets Supporting Palestinian Cause

  • South Africans highlight the importance of the international community to stop the massacre as they witnessed themselves with Apartheid.

    South Africans highlight the importance of the international community to stop the massacre as they witnessed themselves with Apartheid. | Photo: Twitter/ @AfroPal_Forum

Published 24 May 2021

Civil society organizations such as the South African Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Coalition (SA BDS Coalition) wrote an open letter to the Cooperation Minister Naledi Pandor demanding sanctions and canceling diplomatic relations with Israel.

According to the latest reports by Palestinian authorities, South Africans returned to the streets on Monday to reject the Israeli attacks on Palestine as the death toll in the Gaza Strip amounted to 248.


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Civil society organizations such as the South African Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Coalition (SA BDS Coalition) wrote an open letter to the Cooperation Minister Naledi Pandor demanding sanctions and canceling diplomatic relations with Israel.

"That is what the international community did to South Africa during Apartheid, and it helped us so much in our struggle. It supported the struggle of people on the ground," the SA BDS Coalition spokesperson Roshan Dadoo told local media outlet news24.

"The cease-fire can be better described as a lull in the slaughter of Gaza. However, we felt it was important to celebrate that the Palestinians had, in effect, caused Israel to stop its current bombardment," Dadoo added as demonstrators gathered in Cape Town, Durban, and Johannesburg.

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