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News > Spain

Spanish Government Rejects Criticism of President Milei

  • Pedro Sánchez, head of the Spanish government.

    Pedro Sánchez, head of the Spanish government. | Photo: X/ @racingsexo

Published 4 May 2024

Previously the Argentinian president have also held diplomatic tensions with his Colombian and Mexican counterparts.

The government of Spain "flatly" rejected the criticism of the Office of the President of the Argentine Republic, Javier Milei, against the head of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente.


Presidents of Mexico and Colombia Respond to Insults From Milei

In the statement of the Foreign Ministry it can be read that "The Government and the Spanish people will continue to maintain and strengthen their fraternal ties and their relations of friendship and collaboration with the Argentine people, a desire shared by the entire Spanish society".

The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation responded to the statements of the Argentine president, Javier Milei, who launched a harsh attack on the president of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez.

The Argentine government of Javier Milei had said that the policies of Pedro Sánchez only bring "poverty and death". The dispute began when a Spanish minister hinted that Milei had used "substances".

Buenos Aires also accused the head of the Spanish government of having "endangered the unity of the Kingdom, pacting with the separatists and leading to the dissolution of Spain", a reference to the PSOE’s political agreement with the Basque and Catalan independence parties to form a government in 2023.

Milei will undertake in two weeks a trip to Spain where she will participate, as she did in 2022, in an event organized by the extreme right opposition party Vox, which will take place on 18 and 19 May.

Previously the Argentinian president have also held diplomatic tensions with his Colombian and Mexican counterparts. During an interview with CNN, Milei referred to Lopez Obrador as "ignorant" and Petro as a "terrorist killer."

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