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News > Dominica

Summit: Dominica's PM Rejects US Blockade Against Cuba

  • Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit. Jun. 9, 2022.

    Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit. Jun. 9, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@caribbeannewsuk

Published 9 June 2022

At the IX Summit of the Americas being held in Los Angeles, U.S., the Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, called for an end to the blockade against Cuba.

Noting that such policy disrespects Cuban people's rights, the head of the Government appealed to those present to rally to his call against the blockade and the inclusion of Cuba on the list of states sponsoring terrorism.

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"(…) given Cuba's trajectory and history of extraordinary humanitarianism, I invite this community to join me to call for the end of the blockade against the Government and People of Cuba, and the end of the unjust inclusion of Cuba as a State sponsor of terrorism," Skerrit said.

Regarding Washington's decision to exclude Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela from the summit, accusing them of not respecting the Democratic Charter of the Americas, the Prime Minister of Dominica denounced that by doing so, the U.S. distorted the meeting's mission, which is meant to build and promote democracy in the Americas.   

"As regional leaders, we must promote inclusion, justice, common purpose, peace and prosperity. We must do so through genuine regional conversations and cooperative action," Skerrit said.

The Prime Minister of Dominica, Roosevelt Skerrit, called on the government of the United States, the host of the Summit of the Americas, to make this a serious and transformative event that helps the region's development.

The Dominican politician advocated for the inclusion of the leaders of every country in the continent. He said that under the Inter-American Charter, the right of countries to self-determination and sovereignty is recognized. This is one of the documents that guide the Organization of American States (OAS). 

In this sense, Skerrit affirmed that sovereignty and cooperation among the region's states could only be fostered by respecting differences in their political, economic, and social systems without interfering in each other's internal affairs.

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