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News > Latin America

Suspect Charged with Death of Mexican Journalist and Activist

Published 7 August 2015

Mexico City prosecutors charged the only suspect detained with homicide, four femicides and robbery. Daniel Pacheco has criminal history. 

Mexico City prosecutors announced that they have charged Daniel Pacheco, detained Wednesday, with the death of photojournalist Ruben Espinosa, the femicides of Nadia Vera and three other women, and robbery.

Pacheco,42, has confessed he was at the apartment at the time the crimes were taking place, but Mexico City's attorney general's office did not give any further details.

RELATED: Interview: Ruben Espinosa Made the Powerful Uncomfortable

On Wednesday, officials announced the arrest of Pacheco, saying his fingerprints matched some found at the apartment where the multi-homicides took place.

Pacheco has a criminal history, prosecutors said, and was sentenced to nine years in jail in 2000 for rape and robbery.

Police have not explained where nor how they found Pacheco and arrested him.

But Mexico City’s chief prosecutor, Rodolfo Rios, told reporters that Pacheco was one of the three men recorded by surveillance cameras. In a video released by Rios Wednesday, the three suspects can bee seen hauling two suitcases that appear to be packed with goods stolen from the apartment where the gruesome killings took place.

The Colombian Foreign Ministry identified the Colombian woman who was killed along with Espinosa and Vera. Her name was Mile Virginia Martin, 29, who had supposedly been in Mexico for about a month and was working as an escort.

Rios said police investigators had not yet determined the motive in the killings, adding that all lines of investigation were still being looked into, including the possibility it could have been related to Espinosa's work.

The photojournalist, who was working for Mexican investigative magazine Proceso, had recently fled the southwestern state of Veracruz, claiming the government was threatening him. Veracruz one of the two most deadly Mexican states to be a journalist, along with Chihuahua, which lies on the border with the United States. Mexico has reported 103 deaths of journalist since the year 2000, making it the world’s second most dangerous place to be a journalist after Iraq.

Vera, the activist who is said to have been in a relationship with Espinosa, had also left Veracruz. She had claimed that if she were to be killed, Veracruz Governor Javier Duarte, would be to blame.

Neither Rios nor his office have mentioned if Pacheco is in anyway linked to the government of Veracruz, but it is thought he is originally from Mexico City.

The other two suspects have not yet been identified nor detained.

WATCH: Protests Continue Over Photojournalists Death

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