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Syrian Democratic Forces Launch Offensive Against Islamic State Group

  • A screenshot from the announcement video by the Syrian Democratic Forces.

    A screenshot from the announcement video by the Syrian Democratic Forces. | Photo: YouTube

Published 31 October 2015

The multiethnic force says its goal is to eliminate extremists and make Syria safe for self-government.

The new anti-Islamic State group, an alliance known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, announced Saturday that it had launched an offensive to recapture the northeast Syrian province of Hasaka, which is controlled by the extremist group.

In a video posted on YouTube, the general command of the Syrian Democratic Forces said the operation was the beginning of a campaign aimed at “liberating the whole Syria from the terrorist gangs.”

“Our campaign is going to continue until liberating all the occupied areas in Hasakah by terrorist organization of Daesh and until restoring security and stability to the area,” the statement said, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group. “We appeal to our people in Syria generally and in Hasakah particularly to support our forces that come in order to liberate them from the oppression of Daesh.”

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The message also appealed to people in the areas of fighting to stay away from the Islamic State group's positions as the extremist group has been known to use civilians as human shields. “Our forces are your national forces, so support and join them.”

A spokesman later said alliance forces had already attacked Islamic State group fighters. "The battle began after midnight," Talal Salu told Reuters. "They were flanked by our forces... (who) thwarted a counter attack."

Hasaka province borders Iraq and the territory there is a major stronghold for the Islamic State group.

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The new multiethnic alliance was officially announced on Oct. 15 and includes a total of 13 groups, including the People’s Defense Units, the Kurdish militias known as the YPG and YPJ, Jaysh al-Thuwwar (Army of Rebels), an Arab tribal militia known as Jaysh al-Sanadeed, and an Assyrian Christian group.

The Syrian Democratic Forces promise to fight for a free and secular Syria.

The new offensive comes as world powers and regional players are convening in Vienna in a bid to reach a political solution to the 4-year Syrian conflict.

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