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Texas Trooper Charged with Perjury Over Sandra Bland Arrest

  • Texas state trooper Brian Encinia points a Taser at Sandra Bland, in this image captured from the police dashcam video in Prairie View, July 10, 2015.

    Texas state trooper Brian Encinia points a Taser at Sandra Bland, in this image captured from the police dashcam video in Prairie View, July 10, 2015. | Photo: Reuters

Published 6 January 2016

UPDATED: Trooper Brian Encinia’s employer said they have begun the process to fire the trooper.

A Texas state trooper has been charged with perjury in relation to the case of Sandra Bland, a Black activist who died of asphyxiation in jail three days after being arrested at a controversial traffic stop.

Trooper Brian Encinia was indicted by a grand jury on Wednesday. The misdemeanor charge follows the death of the Chicago area woman, who was found dead in her prison cell in July after an apparent suicide.

Within hours of the grand jury’s announcement, the Department of Public Safety revealed it would begin the process to fire Encinia, who has been on administrative duty since the July incident.

The indictment was made because Encinia apparently lied about how he pulled Bland out of her car to continue what he called an investigation into a traffic violation that in reality only warranted a written warrant.

RT reported that the video of the arrest showed increasing tension between Bland and Encinia, who at one point brandished his stun gun and yelled out, “I will light you up!”

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Bland's family has refused to accept the official police version that the incident was a suicide, and has filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court.

Bland was arrested July 10 after being pulled over by a state trooper for allegedly making an improper lane change.

Bland spent three days in jail after she was unable to pay the US$500 bail. On the third day she was found dead in her cell.

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Prosecutors accuse Encinia of lying about how he got Bland out of her vehicle.

The incident has garnered much attention, with supporters insisting that Bland did not kill herself and that her arrest and subsequent death highlight the racism endemic in the U.S. criminal justice system.

Last month the same grand jury announced that there will be no indictment of country jail employees over Bland’s death.

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