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Trump Foreign Policy Adviser Is an Alleged Holocaust Denier

  • Three anti-Trump demonstrators protest before presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event in Anaheim.

    Three anti-Trump demonstrators protest before presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event in Anaheim. | Photo: Reuters

Published 18 August 2016

Joseph Schmitz allegedly bragged about firing Jews in the Defense Department and questioned facts about the Holocaust.

Donald Trump’s foreign policy adviser was accused of anti-Semitism by three sources, reported the McClatchy Washington Bureau on Thursday.

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Joseph Schmitz, a lawyer who served as inspector general of the Defense Department under George W. Bush, had reportedly bragged about firing Jews and questioned the details of the Holocaust.

"His summary of his tenure's achievement reported as 'I fired the Jews,'" wrote Daniel Meyer in an employment grievance with the Pentagon obtained by McClatchy.

"In his final days, he allegedly lectured Mr. (John) Crane (a Pentagon official) on the details of concentration camps and how the ovens were too small to kill 6 million Jews," continued the testimony.

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McClatchy also cited David Tenenbaum, an engineer for the army, whose lawyer wrote in a letter that the Pentagon perpetuated an "anti-Semitic environment" while it was under the leadership of Schmitz.

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Schmitz denied all the claims in a call with McClatchy, saying: "I do not recall ever even hearing of any 'allegations of anti-Semitism against (me),' which would be preposterously false and defamatory because, among other reason(s), I am quite proud of the Jewish heritage of my wife of 38 years" who is "ethnically Jewish."

Donald Trump has also been accused of anti-Semitism, telling the Republican Jewish Coalition, "I'm a negotiator, like you folks" and retweeting anti-Semitic white supremacists, including a picture of a Star of David surrounded by cash.

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