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Trump Scores Real Bad on Grammar Test

  • Republican U.S. presidential candidate Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Fountain Hills.

    Republican U.S. presidential candidate Trump speaks at a campaign rally in Fountain Hills. | Photo: Reuters

Published 19 March 2016

A study found Trump to have fifth-grade level grammar.

Donald Trump likes to say that if he is voted in as president, the U.S. will begin to win again.

But the Republican candidate is already losing in a big way–in grammar, according to new research.

The Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University study found Trump to have fifth-grade level grammar.

All other candidates scored between sixth- and eighth-grade levels.

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The investigation examined around 40 speeches from the 2016 campaign by Trump, Republican opponents Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, as well as the Democratic candidates Bernies Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

According to The Hill, all candidates scored higher when it came to vocabulary, with Sanders scoring the best marks, ranking 11th-grade level in the speech he made announcing his candidacy.

Clinton equaled Trump in the speeches announcing their candidacies, both at eight-grade level.

“This analysis shows the changes that candidates make in the level of their speech according to the type of speech. It also reflects each candidate’s combination of personal delivery style and their analysis of the level of the audience they want to address,” the study’s authors wrote.

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