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Turkish Forces Fire on Kobane Protesters, Kill 1 and Injured 40

  • A member of the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) patrols in the border town of Jarablus, Syria, August 31, 2016.

    A member of the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) patrols in the border town of Jarablus, Syria, August 31, 2016. | Photo: Reuters

Published 2 September 2016

The Turkish army has been working on a 559-mile concrete wall along the frontier with Syria reportedly to maintain its border security.

At least 40 people have been injured and one killed after the Turkish military opened fire on a group protesters in the Syrian border town of Kobane, local news reported on Friday.

Kurds in Crosshairs of Turkey's Invasion of Syria

The Turkish army has been working on a 559-mile concrete wall along the frontier with Syria to maintain the security of its borders as the neighboring country has been embroiled in a civil war since 2011.

People in Kobane have been protesting Ankara’s wall along the city’s area, especially because it is in the Kurdish-controlled Rojava region.

Earlier this year Kurdish officials declared a federal region in the areas they control. The move is seen by many as the only solution to the current crisis which has been aggravated by the presence of the Islamic State group, which according to Kurdish fighters is sponsored by Turkey.

The city of Kobane is a strong Kurdish stronghold and was the site of the first significant victory over the Islamic State group when Kurdish forces liberated the city last year.

Turkey is erecting a wall along the Turkish-Syrian border as its troops are backing airstrikes of the U.S.-backed forces against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

According to the latest figures provided by the United Nations, over 400,000 people have been killed in the conflict in Syria and an estimated of 12 million have been displaced.

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