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UK Approved Arms Exports to Israel on Eve of Gaza Invasion

  • A review says that U.K. weapons were used by Israeli forces during their assault on Gaza. (Photo: Reuters)

    A review says that U.K. weapons were used by Israeli forces during their assault on Gaza. (Photo: Reuters)

Published 24 November 2014

Activists say the U.K. approved arms licenses worth US$11 million to Israel in the six months before the recent attacks on Gaza.

The U.K. government said Monday it will again review its arms exports to Israel, after activists revealed that millions of dollars in British weapons licenses were approved for the Israeli army ahead of the recent conflict in Gaza.

According to figures collated and published by the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), the U.K. government approved arms licenses worth US$11 million to Israel in the six months before the July offensive against Gaza.

Human rights groups have accused Israeli forces of widespread human rights abuses, including intentionally targeting civilians.

Despite these allegations, the U.K. did not suspend a single arms license, even though an August review found at least 12 licenses may have been used by Israeli forces in Gaza.

The review was conducted by the business department, under business secretary Vince Cable.

“Right up until the eve of the bombing the U.K. was supporting licenses for the same kinds of weapons that Vince Cable's own review found are likely to have been used against the people of Gaza,” CAAT's Andrew Smith stated.

The government now says it will conduct a follow-up review.

A government spokesperson claimed the “vast majority” of U.K. arms exports licensed for Israel were not used on Gaza.

Smith however warned the new review “will only be worthwhile if it means a real and fundamental change from business as usual.”

“The public was rightfully shocked by the bombardment. That is why the U.K. must announce a full embargo on all arms sales to Israel and an end to military collaboration,” he stated.

According to CAAT, the U.K. has licensed more than US$66 million worth of military equipment to Israel since 2010.

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