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News > Ecuador

UN High Commissioner Expresses Concern Over Violence in Ecuador

  • Ecuadorian army soldiers inside a jail, July 26, 2023.

    Ecuadorian army soldiers inside a jail, July 26, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @PortalDiarioAR

Published 27 July 2023

Türk also expressed concern about the setback in the protection of Indigenous peoples' rights.

On Thursday, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, expressed concern about the increase in violence in Ecuador amidst disputes between drug-trafficking-linked gangs.


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He called on President Guillermo Lasso's administration to ensure that its "States of Emergency" respect the principles of legality, necessity, and proportionality.

"The authorities must protect the lives of individuals, including those in the custody of the State. Emergency measures, including the use of armed forces for public security tasks, may be applied but must be time-limited and exceptional," Türk emphasized.

The UN Commissioner also urged the Lasso administration to undertake a comprehensive reform of the criminal justice system and to implement the social rehabilitation policy for prisoners, which was developed with the OHCHR's technical support in 2022.

Türk's office reminded that Manta Mayor Agustin Intriago was assassinated a few days ago, while other politicians and journalists have faced aggression and death threats.

Currently, the situation inside the prison system continues to deteriorate. Just this week, 31 inmates died in armed confrontations inside Guayaquil prison.

Furthermore, since May 31, several clashes have occurred between Indigenous communities and security forces. These incidents happened after the enactment of Decree 754, which allows mining companies to initiate operations without prior, free, and informed consultation with Indigenous communities.

Türk expressed concern about the "disturbing setback" in the protection of the rights of Indigenous peoples, who should be consulted regarding the use of their lands in accordance with international norms.

"The individuals directly affected by mining projects or activities must be heard, not repressed," he pointed out.

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