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News > Latin America

UN Honors Andean Ancestral Principles

  • President Evo Morales said he was

    President Evo Morales said he was "very happy, very honored and flattered" by the U.N. approval of Andean principles | Photo: EFE

Published 15 September 2015

“These values we inherited from our ancestors should be approved in the support of a transparent management by our authorities,” stated the president.

The U.N. General Assembly on Monday approved the commemoration of Indigenous Andean principles, celebrating the timeless axioms created by Native philosophies, the Bolivian ambassador to the United Nations said.

The principles of Ama Sua (“you shall not steal”), Ama llulla (“you shall not lie”) and Ama Quella (“you shall not be lazy”) were distinguished by the international body.

Previously, the principles were integrated in the 2009 constitution of the country, approved under Evo Morales' administration, but had only recently been submitted to the resolution of the U.N. General Assembly.

President Morales welcomed the decision, unanimously voted by the 193 U.N. members states.

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“We, native peoples of Bolivia, are very happy, very honored and flattered that the Andean values of transparent management to the benefit of life were recognized,” he said in La Paz, reported ABI.

Before the vote, the president expressed his confidence in the assembly's decision. “These values we inherited from our ancestors, this cosmic law ... should be approved in the support of a transparent management by our authorities,” he stated in a press conference.

Under Morales' administration, the U.N. declared access to water as a human right, promoted the grain quinoa as a health benefit for human diet, and acknowledged with respect the traditional use of the coca leaf in the Andean culture.

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