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News > Latin America

UN Stresses Democratic and Intercultural Character of Bolivian Elections

  • Members of electoral court check registrations in a pooling station in Villa 14 de Septiembre,in the Chapare region in Cochabamba (Photo: Reuters).

    Members of electoral court check registrations in a pooling station in Villa 14 de Septiembre,in the Chapare region in Cochabamba (Photo: Reuters).

Published 12 October 2014

"This is a plurinational state, democratic elections, with the implementation of intercultural representation, these are new elements in a country that is advancing toward the inclusion of indigenous peoples." said the U.N. Human Rights High Commissioner.

United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner Dennis Racicot emphasized that Bolivian elections are special and unique citing the implementation of intercultural representation. Today Bolivians will choose their president, vice president, 36 senators and 130 representatives.

In a statement to Prensa Latina, Racicot expressed, "This is a plurinational state, democratic elections, with the implementation of intercultural representation, these are new elements in a country that is advancing toward the inclusion of indigenous peoples."

According to the 2012 Bolivian census, there are more than six million out of the country's 10 million inhabitants that identify as indigenous. The majority belong to the Aymara and the Quechua nations. For the high commissioner, indigenous participation and representation as candidates in the general elections are signs of the country's progress.

He also highlighted the participation of Afro-Bolivians, youth and women. Racicot remarked, "There are many young candidates. Today they are a reflection of the country."

Racicot also referred to the great popular participation expected as people massively take to the polls. He emphasized that Bolivia is a reference for other countries.

Six million people are expected to participate in today's elections with nearly 300,000 casting their votes abroad. 

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