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UNESCO Marks Anniversary In Defense of Solidarity and Culture

  • Forest Whitaker:

    Forest Whitaker: "Today, I had the privilege to speak at UNESCO's 75th anniversary ceremony. Its purpose to build the defenses of peace in the minds of people is a universal mission that can speak to the heart of every human being." | Photo: Twitter/@ForestWhitaker

Published 12 November 2021

UNESCO's General Assembly addresses the challenges of global education in the wake of the impact of the pandemic and other issues of global concern.

This Friday, UNESCO commemorated 75 years of its foundation and did so with the participation of at least 25 leaders in an official ceremony. The event was organized for this purpose at its headquarters in Paris, France, to celebrate the achievements and projections of the multilateral organization.


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The event was part of the 41st General Conference, one of its governance bodies, which is in session from November 9 to 24, with topics on the agenda such as the challenges of education after the scourge of COVID-19, the strengthening of education, ethics in Artificial Intelligence and the promotion of the concept of Open Science.

The recently re-elected Director-General, Audrey Azoulay, stressed in her speech that UNESCO emerged on the moral and material ruins of the Second World War (1939-1945).

She stressed that the birth of the organization took place under the premise that peace should be established on foundations such as the “intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind."

The organization, 75 years after its creation, defends pillars that are still necessary and ever critical in the present day, such as solidarity, the defense of the right to education, the preservation of humanity's shared treasures and the contribution of an ethical compass to technology.

UNESCO has spearheaded revolutionary concepts such as the Universal Copyright Convention, the conservation, and protection of World Heritage sites, the creation of Biosphere Reserves and international cooperation in these and other areas, said the director of Communication and Public Information of the international organization, Matthieu Guével.

He added that the multilateral organization continues its tireless work in favor of culture and the integration of people in order to build peace and progress.

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