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News > Mexico

Mexico’s New President, Claudia Sheinbaum Leads Votes Counting

  • Claudia Sheinbaum officially leads the votes counting to become the first Mexican female president.

    Claudia Sheinbaum officially leads the votes counting to become the first Mexican female president. | Photo: X/ @elvin_calcano24

Published 2 June 2024

Mexico celebrated this Sunday the largest election in its history where Claudia Sheinbaum will become the first woman president of Mexico.

The candidate of the Morena's party Claudia Sheinbaum still leading the votes counting once the National Electoral Institute (INE) started to spread the official results of the through the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP) which will be fed with information collcted from all polling stations around around the whole country.


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Meanwhile, citizen turnout, according to the official information have surpassed 59.42% of the electors. INE's first results says that Sheinbaum has 5,785,889 of votes, around the 57.38% of the ballots counted.

In second place runs the right-winger Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), National Action Party (PAN) and Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD)  candidate Xóchitl Gálvez, with 3,024,439 votes which represents a 29.99%  of approval.

In third, as exit polls said, is the centre-leftist Jorge Álvarez Máynez, of the Citizen Movement (Movimiento Ciudadano, MC) party with 1,033,357 of the total accounts, 10.24%.

The presidential elections official results will be published by the Mexican Electoral entity on Wednesday, June 5. Otherelected public offices this Sunday, like Senators, Governors and Lawmakers will officially know the results on Saturday, June 8.

Sheinbaum First Woman President, Say Preliminary Results

On the preliminary results of the Electoral National Institute (INE), gives winning of the Presidenntial elections carried out this Sunday in Mexico  to the centre-leftist winger Claudia Sheinbaum, candidate of the National Renewal Movement (Morena), Workers Party and Verde (Green).

At 10:00 p.m. local hour, the INE broadcasted a live transmision showing its first results through the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP), that give to Sheinbaum a clear victory in the presidential race with more than 59.00% of support votes.

Meanwhile, the other candidates have have a disadvantage of up to 30 points.

The right winger Xóchitl Gálvez, candidate for the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the National Action Party' (PAN) have only reached a 29% of support by the voters.

On the other hand, the Citizen Movement's (Movimiento Ciudadano, MC) Jorge Álvarez Maynez remains in third place with only 9% of votes at the time that only counted 59.84 percent of the installed polling stations.

"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to each of the citizens who are actively participating in this process. Their dedication and effort are fundamental for our democracy to work," said INE President Guadalupe Taddei Zavala.

Morena’s Head: It’s Time for Women and 4th Transformation

The president of the ruling party Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional (Morena), Mario Delgado, said that his candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, will be "the first woman president" of Mexico by winning the presidential elections held this Sunday.


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"Our exit polls give us a wide advantage over the PRI-AN candidate, two to one by difference. There is no doubt of the triumph of Claudia, a woman who has conquered the people of Mexico comes from the hand of a popular movement that has touched Mexicans," he says.

Delgado affirmed that Mexico has the fortune of livin on a star moment of history, at the time he highlights that a peaceful revolution of values "that has permeated the depths of society" and this "It is the triumph of various progressive struggles and of many generations who have worked tirelessly to win rights."

"The people of Mexico have taken a leap towards complementarity and balance, closing their mouths to petty opposition morally and politically. A classist, racist and corrupt majority, whose only project was to spoil the country to keep it and deliver it to the transnational monsters," said the Morena's chief.

Delgado sentenced that "the people of Mexico have taken a leap towards complementarity and balance, closing their mouths to petty opposition morally and politically. A classist, racist and corrupt majority, whose only project was to spoil the country to keep it and deliver it to the transnational monsters


Polling Stations Closed as Scheduled

The polling stations closed this Sunday at 06:00 p.m. on scheduled amid a calm day of voting, and despite some acts of violence registered in Coyuca de Benitez, in Guerrero, and at least two people were killed this Sunday by shootings at polling stations in Puebla, central Mexico.

Despite the closure, people in line or inside the polls stations, still could cast their right to vote, authorities have said.

Two hours after the polls close, at 08:00 p.m., the National Electoral Institute (INE) issues its first results through the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP) which will be fed with information collcted from all polling stations around all Mexico.

If at 10:00 p.m. the votes counted reaches a confidence range of 95%, the quick count will begin, which will continue until Wednesday, June 5. Once the quick count ends, the district counts will begin which will remain Saturday, June 8.

INE highlights that any of this PREP and prelimanary counts are not official until the district accounts finalize, both systems only seek to generate certainties on the day of the election. Also, the Electoral authoritie remembers that it is the only one allowed to give official information.

"The participation of our compatriots abroad has been spectacular. The influx of Mexican men and women has been enormous, not only in the 23 consular offices, but also through electronic voting over the internet and postal voting," said Arturo Castillo, INE Counselor about the first results of remote vote.


Mexicans Residing Abroad Began to Vote

As well, Castillo pointed out that "In a preliminary way, the sum gives us 180.676 votes received from Mexicans residing abroad for the positions of President of the Republic, Senators, seven governorships and four local councils."

"Mexican women and men abroad have more than demonstrated that they do want to participate, that they participate in public life, that they take possession of their political rights and, as an electoral authority, we will continue working to guarantee their rights," that said the INE Counselor Claudia Zavala about the voting abroad.

Mexican Women Proud That a Woman Can Win the Presidency 

Claudia Sheinbaum, candidate for the left-wing party National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), and the right winger Xóchitl Gálvez are the main contenders in the presidential race according to the last public polls published before the electoral ban.


Sheinbaum Has a 20-Point Lead in the Mexican Presidential Race

Several generations of Mexican women were "proud" before the media to participate in elections in which the first female president in the country’s history could be elected, which they consider a great advance in a country with a machista tradition.

The voter Soledad Cuautle Flores, a 72-year-old citizen, who shared with the Spanish agency EFE that women will advance more on political issues, because they will demonstrate that they are also capable of leading a country.

For her part, Karla Lopez, 36, highlighted the fact that the main candidates for the Presidency are women before the traditional male dominance in the country’s political sphere.

"We live in a macho country and right now the choice is between two women, if or not, nothing else, it is very important what will happen and what we will live in the future, well in fact in a few hours," he said.

On Sunday, over 98 million Mexicans are called to elect the president who will govern their country between 2024 and 2026. The candidates competing for the Mexican presidency are Claudia Sheinbaum (Let's Keep Making History), Xochitl Galvez (Strength and Heart for Mexico) and Jorge Alvarez (Citizen Movement).


Mexicans Residing Abroad Began to Vote

Citizens will also elect 500 legislators, 128 senators, nine governors, and over 20,000 subnational authorities such as mayors, councilors and legislators. The main events as they occur are presented below.

11:00 am: President Lopez Obrador casts his vote. Accompanied by his wife Beatriz Gutierrez, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) went to vote in an election to define who will succeed him in the government as of October 1.

"Cheer up!" he said after being one of the first to vote at a voting center inside the Museum of Art in downtown Mexico City.

"In true democracy it is the people who rule. Everything else is accessory. Tonight we will know what the Mexicans freely decided," he later wrote in his X account.

Lopez Obrador is betting on the victory of his party's candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, who is the favorite to win according to the polls published so far.

The text reads, "Today there are general elections in Mexico. At a time of growth of the extreme right, the possible victory of Claudia Sheinbaum will not only make a woman president for the first time in the history of the country but will also position the left as a national project beyond the Lopez Obrador's leadership."

10:30 am: Claudia Sheinbaum votes accompanied by dozens of supporters. The presidential candidate of the coalition "Let's Keep Making History" voted in San Andres Totoltepec, a town in the Tlalpan delegation, in Mexico City. After waiting in line for an hour, the leftist politician entered the electoral precinct and came out smiling.

"You shouldn't be afraid. Go out and vote," she said amid the uproar generated by citizens who cheered her with shouts of "President, President, President!"

“Don't forget Tlalpan, your people needs you,” several neighbors shouted while Sheinbaum greeted the people of the town of San Andres Totoltepec, where she served as municipal delegate between 2015 and 2018.

Sheinbaum was the second presidential candidate to vote on Sunday morning. Previously, Jorge Alvarez, the candidate of the Citizen Movement, and Xochitl Galvez, the candidate of the far-right coalition “Strength and Heart for Mexico”, had already voted.

8:00 am: Electoral precincts open their doors. The National Electoral Institute (INE) announced that 170,000 electoral centers have been installed throughout the country to serve citizens from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Some 27,245 members of the armed forces are providing security during the electoral process.

Starting at 8:00 p.m., the INE will publish the first electoral results. Later, between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., INE President Guadalupe Taddei will announce the quick count's results.}

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