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US Border Agents Use Bogus Claims to Turn Away Asylum Seekers

  • U.S. border patrol agents at the fence with Mexico at Border Field State Park in San Diego, California.

    U.S. border patrol agents at the fence with Mexico at Border Field State Park in San Diego, California. | Photo: Reuters

Published 27 July 2017

U.S. border agents have been telling families they need a visa, they'll be separated, or, more recently, that Donald Trump has eliminated asylum, all untrue.

Human rights activists have accused the U.S. border agents of violating international law by refusing asylum-seekers entrance into the country.

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Caught on camera, Customs and Border Protection agents at the San Ysidro port of entry in California can be heard refusing a Honduran family refuge, referring them to the National Migration Institute for registration prior to entry into the U.S.

Had it not been for the presence of the of two volunteers from an immigration shelter in Mexico, the family — like many seeking asylum from repression, economic hardship and violence — would have been turned away.

"They got to go to INM and register first," the officer tells the family on the recording, "They can't come in here. Once they go to INM, we get them from INM."

One of the volunteers responded, stating the family had already visited the offices and were told the Mexican authorities could do nothing for them.

"I've read the law and there's zero parts of the law that state that an asylum seeker from Honduras has to go talk to a Mexican immigration official to be able to request asylum in the United States. Are you denying them the ability to request asylum in the United States?" he asked.

Another agent arrived and informed the group that due to understaffing and the number of asylum seekers, the agency had arranged an agreement with Mexico for regulatory and efficiency reasons. The dialogue between agents and volunteers continued until the family is finally allowed to proceed.

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This incident stands out as one success story, among thousands, that arrive at the immigration offices daily only to be refused sanctuary on fabricated claims by officers.

"Such advocacy should not be required," said Shaw Drake, a lawyer for Human Rights First.

“It is not practical to assume that every asylum seeker approaching the border that is in need of immediate protection would have such advocates there to assist them," he said.

U.S. border agents have reportedly turned away families telling them they need a visa to apply for asylum, they'll be separated, or, more recently, that Donald Trump has eliminated asylum.

"These things are simply untrue," says Melissa Crow, legal director at the D.C.-based American Immigration Council who has filed lawsuits against the Department of Homeland Security, challenging those alleged practices.

"All of these tactics serve to deny bona fide asylum seekers the opportunity to pursue their claims," she says.

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