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US: Family of Murdered Walter Scott Agree on $6.5M Settlement

  • A screen shot of video showing a South Carolina police officer shooting Walter Scott in the back.

    A screen shot of video showing a South Carolina police officer shooting Walter Scott in the back. | Photo: Youtube

Published 9 October 2015

The North Charleston City Council, where the town where the unarmed Black man was shot, approved the sum Thursday night.

The family of Walter Scott, a Black man fatally shot by a South Carolina police officer while running away, has agreed on a US$6.5 million settlement.

The North Charleston City Council, where the town where the unarmed man was shot, approved the sum Thursday night.

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Scott was fatally shot by former North Charleston police office Michael Slager after fleeing the scene of a traffic stop.

Shocking footage emerged of Slager shooting the unarmed 50-year-old as he was clearly running away. The police officer was also seen allegedly trying to plant evidence next to Scott’s body after he shot him. The police officer was subsequently charged with murder after the video’s release.

Slager was denied bond in September, as Judge Clifton Newman found that his possible release "would constitute an unreasonable danger to the community."

The settlement is the largest of its kind in the history of South Carolina, and staved off the threat of a lengthy lawsuit.

Scott’s brother, Anthony Scott, praised the local government for their handling of the tragic incident.

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"The city of Charleston's actions have ensured that Walter did not die in vain," he said. "The city sent a message, loud and clear, that this type of reckless behavior will not be tolerated."

The settlement comes as the spotlight stays firmly on U.S. police brutality against Black people. In the high profile case of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, Darren Wilson, the officer who shot him dead, was not indicted.

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