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News > Syria

US Military Begins Training Syrian Rebels

  • Members of the Free Syrian Army

    Members of the Free Syrian Army | Photo: Reuters

Published 7 May 2015

The Pentagon aims to train a 15,000-strong rebel force.

The United States began Thursday training “moderate” rebel forces in Jordan and will soon begin another training program in Turkey.

The White House claims the program is designed only to target the Islamic State group, since the U.S. government is not at war with Syria. 

However, critics have pointed out that the program is bound to fail given internal divisions among the rebel forces and the reality on the ground inside Syria.

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According to Reuters, which reviewed the Obama administration's strategy for Syria, the U.S. is seeking to pressure Syrian President Bashar Assad by increasing the rebel's power and territory under their control.

The Pentangon deployed 400 military trainers to the region and hope to train a 15,000-strong force by the end of the program.

But the Free Syrian Army – the main U.S. backed rebel militia – has lost significant territory. The country is mainly under control of the Syrian army, the Islamic State group and the al-Qaida-affiliate Nusra Front.

The Nusra Front is working together with other Islamist groups, leading the Jaish al-Islam coalition. It is believed that the coalition group is backed by Saudi Arabia.

According to anonymous sources quoted by the Jerusalem Post, the Free Syrian Army is now working with the Nusra Front, which has raised more concerns regarding the U.S.-Turkey training program.

While Washington is trying to avoid confrontation with Assad's government, its main allies in the region – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – are openly vowing to oust the Syrian leader.

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